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Does my business need to update our fire risk assessment?

Liam Peskett | 16th November 2023

Fire Risk Assessment Folder

In the hustle and bustle of running a business, fire safety can often take a backseat. However, the consequences of neglecting this crucial aspect of workplace safety can be devastating. Fire incidents pose a significant threat to lives, property, and business continuity.

A Fire Risk Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of potential fire hazards in your workplace. It identifies the risks, assesses their severity, and recommends appropriate control measures to mitigate them. However, workplaces are dynamic environments, and changes can occur every day (Did you even think about the potential change in fire risk when putting up your Halloween decorations this year?). These seemingly small changes can introduce new fire hazards or alter existing ones, rendering your Fire Risk Assessment outdated. Regularly reviewing and updating your Fire Risk Assessmentensures that it remains an accurate reflection of your workplace's current fire safety profile.

So, let's have a look at some statistics: Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service conducted a survey and found after a disaster such as fire:

  • 25% of Businesses never reopen.
  • 80% of companies who don't recover in a month are likely to go out of business.
  • 75% of businesses without business continuity plans fail within 3 years.

They also found further issues such as loss of custom, regulatory penalties, staffing concerns and increased insurance premiums.

Source: Cheshire Fire and Rescue: https://www.cheshirefire.gov.uk/fire-protection/engagement/business-continuity/

Therefore, simply looking at these statistics, shows how it's imperative to take proactive measures to minimise fire risks and ensure the safety of your employees, customers, and assets.

Whilst a Fire Risk Assessment is undertaken sometimes, it is placed in a drawer and forgotten, however, a key step in this process is regularly reviewing and updating your Fire Risk Assessment and this is what we plan to cover today.

So, what is the legal requirement for reviewing a Fire Risk Assessment?

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states assessments should be reviewed as follows:

Risk assessment (Article 9); 

(3) Any such assessment must be reviewed by the Responsible Person regularly to keep it up to date particularly if—

  • (a) there is reason to suspect that it is no longer valid; or
  • (b) there has been a significant change in the matters to which it relates including when the premises, special, technical and organisational measures, or organisation of the work undergo significant changes, extensions, or conversions.


In summary, Fire Risk Assessment reviews should be conducted regularly, but also whenever there are indications that the assessment is no longer accurate or whenever significant changes occur that may impact fire safety in the workplace. By proactively reviewing and updating Fire Risk Assessments , businesses can minimise fire risks and ensure the safety of their employees, customers, and assets.

In addition to these 2 points, the keyword on top of the specific given reasons in the legislation is "regularly". There is no exact definition for what regularly is, however, it is widely accepted and recommended by the Chief Fire Officers that reports should be reviewed annually to meet the "regular" section of the legislation.

As part of a report, a Fire Risk Assessor will also make a recommendation for when the report should be reviewed or the validity of the Fire Risk Assessment undertaken ends. This period could be a far shorter or longer period depending on the risk found in the property. For example, if the property is found to be high risk and intolerable the recommendation for review could be as short as a month or two. This recommended date should always be followed, as in the view of the competent person undertaking the assessment, this is deemed the next suitable date for review.

So, apart from meeting legal requirements, are there any benefits of regular reviews?

  • To ensure that your fire safety measures are still effective. Over time, your premises and activities may change. For example, you may have installed new equipment, changed the layout of your premises, or started storing new materials. These changes can introduce new fire hazards or make existing hazards more significant. By regularly reviewing your Fire Risk Assessment, you can identify these changes and ensure that your fire safety measures are still effective.
  • To protect your employees, customers, and visitors. A fire can have devastating consequences for people and property. By regularly updating your fire risk assessment and implementing appropriate fire safety measures, you can help protect the people who use your premises.
  • Potentially Reduced Insurance Premiums: Insurers often view Fire Risk Assessments favourably, potentially leading to lower premiums.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your fire safety measures are up-to-date provides peace of mind for business owners and employees.

How do I update my fire risk assessment?

There are several steps you can take to update your Fire Risk Assessment:

  1. Continually monitor and update your existing Fire Risk Assessment. Identify any changes that have occurred in your premises, activities, or the people who use them. Review the action plan within your report and ensure that you are actively working towards resolving any issues highlighted.  It is important to note that Fire Risk Assessments are not a one-off exercise. They should be reviewed regularly and updated whenever there are significant changes to your premises, activities, or the people who use them.
  2. Identify new fire hazards and assess their risks. Consider any new equipment, materials, or processes that have been introduced. Also, consider any changes in the way your premises are used. Has someone moved a fire extinguisher leaving an area at risk, has someone blocked a fire exit which could delay the evacuation process? Blocked fire exit
  3. Train your team! In the photo above, the door hasn't been blocked on purpose, in reality, the container has been placed there as the fire safety element simply hasn't been thought of. The individual could have placed the container en route to the store room whilst they were making a cup of tea, or the phone rang, any everyday activity that could have a large implication in the event of a fire. Fire safety really can be a group effort so make your team aware of the potential risks, train them by explaining the importance of taking suitable steps to reduce the risk of fire and work together!
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of your existing fire safety measures. Determine whether they are still appropriate for the identified fire hazards and risks.
  5. Implement any necessary improvements to your fire safety measures. This may involve installing new equipment, changing procedures, or providing additional training.
  6. Appoint a competent person to conduct regular reviews. If you suspect your report is no longer valid, there has been a significant change in the property, or you are approaching your recommended review date in your report, appoint a competent fire risk assessor to undertake a full Fire Risk Assessment review.
  7. Implement any necessary improvements to your fire safety measures. This may involve installing new equipment, changing procedures, or providing additional training.
  8. Document your updated Fire Risk Assessment. Keep a written record of your assessment and any changes you have made.


Regular review and updating of your Fire Risk Assessment are not just a legal obligation but also provide critical steps in safeguarding your business from the perils of fire. By proactively addressing fire hazards, you protect the lives of your employees, customers, and assets, providing you with peace of mind.

Remember, fire safety is not an afterthought; it's an ongoing commitment that requires constant vigilance and action. Doing so, allows you to focus on ensuring the continuity and success of your business.

How can SAFE I.S. help you?

We have a team of fire safety experts, on hand, to assist you with undertaking regular reviews of your Fire Risk Assessment. Not only that, but we will also remind you when your assessment review is due, offering you a peace of mind solution and allowing you to focus on your business.

As Fire Risk Assessment providers, we also provide after-assessment assistance and guidance, where we will support you in the aim of reducing the risk of fire in your premises, wherever we possibly can.

If you would like to learn more about our service, please visit our Fire Risk Assessment page, or contact one of our team today for some friendly and helpful guidance at 0800 955 3580 or sales@safeis.co.uk.


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